This report was authored and published by ABM Industries Inc in November 2022. Healthier buildings keep everyone healthier together. Safer spaces mean safer people. Keeping people safe now hinges on implementing a fact-based, expert-developed, and dynamic approach to occupant wellness. One that helps mitigate both air and surface-based viral transmission risks, while also increasing efficiencies and the financial health of the building operations. Using the Healthy Building Risk Assessment, a set of recommendations around air quality, surface disinfection, facility resiliency, and more are formed. After program implementation, ongoing results and data from repeated Healthy Building Risk Assessments are useful to recalculate risk and implement supplemental solutions moving forward. The report covers all areas of indoor air quality, energy efficiency and surface cleaning as well as communicating these programs to the occupants.

KeywordsCommunications, Control & Monitoring Equipment/Sensors, Employee Productivity, Energy Efficiency/Management, Healthy Buildings, HVAC & Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), Intelligent Building, Large Building Controls/Automation, Post-COVID-19, Property Management, Surface cleaning, Hybrid, ABM

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