Healthy Buildings and Indoor Environmental Quality

ASHB’s 2022 Landmark Research Project for the Large Buildings Segment


The purpose of this research is to define, investigate and make recommendations to industry participants regarding the “Healthy Buildings and Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)” market. What is the current state of that market from an adoption standpoint? The research will provide a comprehensive analysis of key technical barriers, customer pain points, and adoption challenges in this market, as well as identify the strategies, technologies, and business models most likely to confront those challenges and drive revenue growth in future.

To be developed through a $130,000 RFP process (USD), the research will utilize both industry expert interviews and consumer surveys to examine what the healthy buildings and IEQ market looks like in the post- pandemic era. Some of the topics that will be covered include implementation, return on investment (ROI), control and monitoring innovations, integration, data management, use cases, business case analysis for healthy buildings, and specific opportunities and recommendations for all key industry players.

The project provides an opportunity to address the many challenges and opportunities that exist around the healthy buildings concept comprising IEQ- related solutions, among other aspects. It will utilize both qualitative (in-depth interviews) and quantitative (consumer or industry questionnaires) methods to provide actionable data relevant to the state of the market, key industry players, technical barriers and opportunities, future market direction, issues, use cases, and industry recommendations.

Topics that may be covered in the research include:

  • Analysis of market segment opportunities for healthy-buildings growth, and major barriers to adoption.
  • How the concept and capabilities of the health building are being currently defined in a market focused on “post-pandemic resilience” and how this can be expected to evolve.
  • Analysis of the current technology trajectory of healthy buildings as assets ideally capable of enabling organizations to evaluate multiple health, wellness or productivity metrics against benchmarks.
  • Identifying the role of standards, frameworks and scorecards by which vendors of healthy buildings technologies and their clients value the effects of these technologies on various metrics.
  • Assessment of the rise of spatial intelligence and workplace analytics, and their implications for optimizing use of space and promoting healthier indoor environments.
  • New business models, including HVAC and air-quality as-a-service type offerings.
  • Challenges and opportunities regarding remote and cloud-based operation and control of HVAC and IEQ.
  • Leading use cases that can help with traditionally hard-to-demonstrate healthy buildings metrics – not just absenteeism, but “feeling” more productive and comfortable; sensing that an environment is more conducive to teamwork, etc.
  • What lies ahead in terms of personalized, seamless experiences — with building occupants or tenants having some measure of customization over healthy building attributes — while fully respecting privacy.
  • Development of the healthy building concept in ways that further advance a building’s energy efficiency strategies.
  • Leveraging analytics from occupant tracking solutions and other technologies to support healthy buildings.
  • Control and monitoring capabilities available in the future healthy building.
  • Analysis of builder involvement: especially, their role in quantifying and valuing the benefits of healthy buildings — that are equally focused on the environment
    — to support industry growth and success in competitive real-estate environments.

Harbor Research was selected through a competitive RFP process to conduct this research.



Access to full, completed research is only available to participating funding organizations. The image above shows the logos of the current participating sponsors, all of them ASHB members.

Funders of the project may participate at one of the levels below, and will receive the benefits associated with the level of contribution. Special discounts apply during this unprecedented year.

Titanium Funder – $1K:
• Name and logo will be placed on the front page of the research report, slide deck, media releases, and marketing material.
• Following the four (4) month embargo period the full research can be purchased at a $1K discount.
• Executive summary report (not the full research).

Bronze Funder – $5K:
• All benefits associated with the Titanium Funder level.
• Opportunity to participate in the final webinar with all the funders which will highlight the findings of the research in detail.
• Ability to ask questions to the research analysts.
• The raw data from the research.
• Final report, executive summary, and presentations.

Silver Funder – $10K (most popular): 
• All benefits associated with the Bronze Funder level.
• Will be on the Steering Committee and allowed to: define the research scope and methodology, provide feedback and input regarding the direction of the study, and participate in Steering Committee webinars.
• Will have a special one (1) hour webinar specifically for your organization.  Anyone from your organization can attend and receive a detailed overview of the research findings that relate to your organization.
• Will receive bonus research reports that the vendor may provide.
• Will have the opportunity to participate in a closing “Think Tank” discussion of the research findings and their implications.

Gold Funder – $15K: 
• All benefits associated with the Silver Funder level.
• Will receive a case study within the research to highlight the work your organization has been doing in the area. The case study would typically be supplied by the funder, but in some instances research firms have developed case studies on the funder’s behalf.
• The case study will be included with the executive summary, which will be distributed to all ASHB member contacts.


ASHB seeks partners to conduct this important work.  For more information on this opportunity, please contact:
Greg Walker
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 613-518-6742

This 2022 research project by ASHB will be developed through a $130,000 RFP process (USD).