Composed by Plume and released on May 19, 2022, this report unveils a prescriptive roadmap tailored for communications services providers (CSPs) to secure their pivotal role within the dynamic smart home landscape. The strategy outlined within this report encapsulates critical pillars essential for sustaining relevance and vibrancy. Central to this strategic blueprint is the steadfast commitment to furnishing swift, all-encompassing, and dependable connectivity. This commitment materializes through the astute utilization of WiFi 6 and 6E communication technologies, as well as the strategic adoption of the burgeoning connectivity standard for smart home devices, known as Matter. Additionally, a pivotal facet lies in the integration of cloud-based solutions to facilitate seamless service delivery.

Keywords: Architecture/Engineering, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Audio/Video, Cloud & Data Analytics, Communications, Connected Home, Control & Monitoring Equipment/Sensors, Energy Efficiency/Management, Internet of Things (IoT), Post-COVID-19, Process Automation, Protocols/Standards

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