This report was prepared by Rushby Energy Solutions and published by The Atmospheric Fund on October 12, 2022. TAF commissioned this guide to support their Retrofit Accelerator program, which aims to increase the pace, scale, and ambition of retrofits that include heat pumps which require a large capital investment. This guide is intended for building owners, condo board members, and property managers to ensure heat pump installations are generating the expected energy savings, thus increasing heat pump adoption and encouraging electrification across the multifamily sector. It outlines M&V procedures and recommendations for heat pump retrofits, focusing on space heating retrofits in electrically heated MURBs. However, many of the principles can also be applied to heat pump retrofits in gas-heated buildings. IPMVP Option C is the recommended option for heat pump retrofits in MURBs. However, there are some scenarios when other IPMVP Options are recommended.

Keywords:  Building Retrofits, Cloud & Data Analytics, Control & Monitoring Equipment/Sensors, Energy Efficiency/Management, HVAC & Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), Protocols/Standards, Heat Pumps, IPMVP, Measurement & Verification, The Atmospheric Fund

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