Integration pitfalls while embedding IoT platforms and technologies into the enterprise IT landscape
The ASHB Board of Directors are pleased to announce the following Intelligent Buildings Council (IBC) webinar meeting.
Special 30 Minute Keynote Presentation by XME.digital
Tuesday, August 9, 2022 | 12 Noon – 1:30 PM ET
CLICK HERE to Register (required)
Description: Gartner data shows that 75% of IoT projects will take twice as long as planned, with significant cost overruns. During the session, Victor will uncover integration challenges that lead to cost overruns and delivery time increases and solutions on how to overcome these problems:
- Data approach
- Platforms and solutions compatibility
- Making Total Cost of Ownership part of business strategy, KPIs and OKRs
- Scalability from a very beginning: planning scalable and flexible architecture instead of quick wins.
The agenda, slide deck and other supporting documentation will be attached at a later date at: www.caba.org/ibc.
This IBC meeting is normally only open to ASHB members, however guests are welcome to participate. Working Group Leaders and Task Force Chair will be expected to present an update of their work since the last meeting.