How IoT is helping create a more sustainable world

The ASHB Board of Directors is pleased to announce the following Connected Home Council (CHC) webinar meeting.

Special 30-Minute Keynote Presentation by Tuya Smart
Tuesday, February 21, 2023  |  12 Noon – 1:30 PM ET

CLICK HERE to Register (required)

Description: Electrical grids, affected by natural disasters, have brought grid resilience to public attention. Extreme instability in the oil and gas markets brought on by the pandemic and the war in Eastern Europe has increased the need for energy substitutes. Greater volumes of consumption data are being gathered by smart home appliances, HVAC systems, and thermostats serving a population working from home more than ever before. The demand for energy before and after commutes is expected to significantly grow with the accelerated deployment of electric vehicles and home charging equipment. With various sources now supplying energy to the home and services like on-demand pricing becoming more prevalent, the energy markets are changing at an accelerated rate, making the environment for customers much more complicated.

Energy producers, builders, and utilities have been tasked with an important mission and given an opportunity; to assist consumers with these problems, organize their energy use and sources, and prepare for a future where households must deal with an increasingly complex energy consumption environment.

The agenda, slide deck, and other supporting documentation will be attached at a later date at:

This CHC meeting is normally only open to ASHB members, however, guests are welcome to participate.  Working Group Leaders and Task Force Chair will be expected to present an update on their work since the last meeting.


Feb 21 2023


Virtual Event


Marta Klopotowska
[email protected]