Connected Home Council (CHC) Webinar Meeting
The ASHB Board of Directors are pleased to announce the following webinar meeting. ASHB webinars are complimentary and all are welcome to attend, although pre-registration is required.
Connected Home Council (IBC) Webinar
Keynote Presentation: “TBD”
Special 30 min Keynote Presentation
Wednesday, May 20, 12 Noon – 1:30 PM ET
CLICK HERE to Register (required)
The CHC executive is made up of CHC Chair, Roy Perry (, CHC Vice-Chair, Danny Sran (TELUS) and CHC Vice-Chair Jim Hunter (Delos Living LLC). The agenda, slide deck and other supporting documentation will be posted at a later date at: At that link you can also find past minutes, recorded webinars, and the CHC terms of reference.