CHC: “Smart Load-Shift Strategies For Electrically Heated Homes”
CHC Chair Roy Perry (Alarm.com), CHC Vice-Chair and ASHB Board Member Jim Hunter (Delos Living LLC), CHC Vice-Chair and ASHB Board Member Byron BeMiller (Semtech Corporation) and CHC Vice-Chair and ASHB Board Member Charles Hume (Southwire Company, LLC) are pleased to announce the next CHC webinar:
November 16, 2020, 12 PM ET
CLICK HERE to Register (required)
Presentation: “Smart Load-Shift Strategies For Electrically Heated Homes”
Description: New Brunswick is a winter peaking province as it uses electricity as the primary method for space and water heating. A typical household in New Brunswick uses 63% of its annual electricity consumption for space heating. Peak demand in the province is caused by heating loads during the winter, and is acute on the coldest days when demand for heating is at its highest and is met by oil and gas fired plants. NB Power, Siemens Canada and National Research Council of Canada have partnered since 2014 to conduct a series of pilot studies to evaluate the reduction in morning peak loads through smart thermostats in detached homes that used electrical baseboard heaters. The latest in the series was the smart grid pilot study consisting of 567 owner-occupied homes that used electric baseboard heaters in three cities of the province in 2016-17 to evaluate demand control using OpenADR-compliant connected thermostats. The aim of the field study was to investigate how much electrical energy could be shifted from peak demand hours to the immediately preceding hours while maintaining acceptable thermal conditions. This presentation will summarize the results and lessons learnt from the pilot studies, including the influence of various building and occupant characteristics on the shift. Ajit Pardasani, Senior Research Officer, Intelligent Building Operations, NRC Construction Portfolio.
The agenda, slide deck and other supporting documentation will be attached at a later date at: www.caba.org/chc. Previous Draft CHC Minutes, September 2, 2020: https://www.ashb.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/CHC-Minutes-2020-Sept-Draft.pdf
This CHC meeting is normally only open to ASHB members, however guests are welcome to participate. Working Group Leaders and Task Force Chair will be expected to present an update of their work since the last meeting.